part 1 Based on this Facebook/Meta report on malicious apps found in Google Play

part 1
Based on this Facebook/Meta report on malicious apps found in Google Play and Apple’s App Store and this article on App Store payments
consider the following question:
Is it the responsibility of the website owner or the app store maintainers to do security review of login flows?
Are the parts of a login flow that can only be inspected by to app store, or parts that are only visible to the web sites?
How should a mobile device handle the secrets it uses for login?
part 2
Last week we discussed the right of Border and Customs officials to search electronic devices at the border. Well, it seems the ACLU is challenging that ability. Read the article and provide your thoughts and opinions. Should customs be allowed to search for data just because you traveled from a specific country known for criminal activity (i.e. CP, industrial espionage, etc.)? What about non citizens? Should Customs be allowed to search for ANY data since they are non-citizens? Should non-citizens be extended the same rights at the border as a U.S. citizen for the purposes of searches?
answer these disscusion in different documents and title them

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