PART 1 1. Create an MS Word document. 2. Create a title for your document using

1. Create an MS Word document.
2. Create a title for your document using the style “Heading 1” 
3. Create an example of each of the following Smart Art Graphics, and use the style “Heading 2” to label each kind:
4. For each Smart Art Graphic, create appropriate data for the type of graphic.  Be creative. Have fun with it. Experiment with colors and backgrounds.
5. Then, add examples of the following three chart types, and create your own data/labels that demonstrate you understand the purpose of using each type.
6. Create a hyperlink from your name to your school email address.
7. Lastly, create a hyperlink to the top of your document.
Create a (minimum 6-slide) PowerPoint presentation:
Slide One – Title Slide – “Vacation Options 2024” or something similar, with your name as the Subtitle
Slide Two –  Create an appropriate infographic of 4-5 places you would like to vacation (show the names of the destinations and your level of desire to go there)
Slide Three –  Add a picture. Your #1 choice for a vacation spot and list reasons why it is #1 to you
Slide Four – Add a picture. Offer some brief advice about your destination. (i.e., What to pack, How to find, Must-do, Must-see)
Slide Five –  Add a chart of costs for your #1 Choice – (categories such as airfare, gas, hotel costs, admission tickets, meals, etc.)
Slide Six – Link to your website source(s) for more information using the website name, and add a hyperlink.
Use a theme that complements your destination aesthetic.
Be thoughtful in your font choice, use white space wisely, don’t overload your slide with text, and keep a consistent look throughout the presentation.
You may create more than six slides to share more about your cool vacation spot, but not more than ten.  You must have a minimum of these six slides.
Proofread for consistent formatting, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Proofread again.

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