Part 1. For the case study presentation, students are asked to select any todraft,post,Ovedraft

Part 1. For the case study presentation, students are asked to select any topic/concept related to the study of the religions of the world and write a 1-2 paragraph reflection. Here is some information to guide you:
The case study is graded on fulfillment, which means if you complete the assignment, you get the full grade allocation.
For the case study, you are being asked to demonstrate how your thinking about religion has developed considering this course.
For this, you are asked to specifically refer to an example from one or more religious traditions as you express how your thinking about religion has developed. For example, you might want to pick a ritual practice, religious tradition, or theological/sacred concept to reflect on. In your reflection, please indicate why you think your chosen topic is interesting and important for the study of world religions, demonstrate how this class has informed your interest/emphasis on the topic and how your study of religion this semester shapes your understanding of the topic.
Use your example to reflect on how this class helps shape the way you think about religion, here are some questions your presentation should address:
What things are you noticing and thinking about in relation to your chosen topic that you did not notice or think about before?
How do the course readings/discussions affect the way you understand the nature of your religious example?
How does taking this course shape the way you evaluate and interact with the religious example?
Why is the religious practice/ritual/concept you have chosen important/relevant to the study of religions in contemporary contexts.
Part 2
Microsoft Word document, 2-3 pages (double spaced, New Times Roman, 12-point font), include a work cited or bibliography page with at least 3 academic sources formatted in MLA style. All sources must be listed on a separate work cited or bibliography page and attached to the back of your paper. The work cited or bibliography page does not count toward the 2–3-page requirement. Papers less than 2 complete pages WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

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