Overview: The project objective is for each student to choose whether they want

The project objective is for each student to choose whether they want to write:
A synthesis paper about the uses of drones in the field of research of business of your choosing (i.e., water management, mining, military, infrastructure, etc.).
Paper Requirements:
Papers should be 5 pages long (1-1.15 spacing, times new roman, 12pt font), including figures.
Site references using MLA and APA citation formats.
A well-structured paper (i.e., smooth transitions within the paper, or listed chapters with titles):
A. The What and Who: Construct a hypothetical flight about and provide some background information regarding anyone who has used this type of technology before.
1. Introduction Section
2. Provide some background detail about the field of study and how the application has been used before.
3. Provide in detail, previous industries, or people where this has made a difference.
4. This is the section where you use references to make your points of emphasis.
B. The Why: Why does this study matter?
1. Additional background section
2. Provide evidence of how this study has been used or can be used (if this is a novel idea), to better society.
or better a certain industry.
3. Basically, how can this technology enhance current performance in that field, or how is it being
C. The How: How do you plan on creating your own mission to accomplish this type of application?
1. Methodology Section
2. This is basically your methodology section with the potential flight mission and all of the things you need
to list within it i. UAV used, Sensors used, and why? Applications of Drones (UAV) in Business & Research EAES499/599 Project Paper Outline
Project Guidelines
ii. Mission Briefing material (Time/Day, Flight Time, Flight Path, Number of flights depending on
battery efficiency, storage space, Alert ATC via AirMap, Use VFRMap, etc.)
d. Display any results you come up with or provide sketches you can share that will support “The HOW” section.
e. The Impact Statement: what is the impact this project will have in the field of science or society?
1. Conclusions Section
2. State your fundamental understanding of how this project will move either society or the field of science you are focused on, forward.
*Make sure to have your references listed using either MLA or APA citation formats!
Rough Ratio Estimates for Paper:
Introduction/Background – The What and Who
Methodology I – The Why
Methodology II – The How

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