Over the course of the term, students have been collecting materials and wodraft,post,For thdraft

Over the course of the term, students have been collecting materials and working towards the creation of a research proposal that concludes with a specific, testable hypothesis. A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles must be used for this assignment (these should be the same five that were used in assignments 5). These articles must be evaluated throughout the literature review portion of the PowerPoint, clearly articulating how these articles support your hypothesis. This final project will take the form of a student-created PowerPoint presentation that will be delivered to the class (or submitted online for online sections). Consider this document the specific rubric of the items that must be included within the PowerPoint presentation.
It is highly recommended that you refer to the feedback given for the outline assignments (assignment 4 & 5). Remember: you are turning your information into a PowerPoint, and NOT a paper. Please do not include paragraphs of writing on each slide. This final project will have the elements of a larger paper, but presented in PowerPoint format. See grading criteria below.Power Point Grading Criteria – 50 points
Presentation General Notes
Should look good. (-5 for sloppy slides)
Be professional.
No crazy transitions (slide animations)
Avoid Dark Blue / Brown.
Don’t have wall of text. 10 – 15 words per slide. Short blurbs. (-5 for massive word chunks)
Can use notecards / notes.
Title Page – Title, Name, School (just like a paper) (-5 for general APA issues)
Slide order: Title >> Abstract >> Intro/Lit Review >> Methods >> Hypothetical Results >> Discussion/Conclusion >> Ref Page
Specifics and points per portion:
Abstract (5 points)250 Words or Less
Rough overview
Hypothesis / Participants / Procedure / Hypothetical Results
Introduction / Lit Review (10 points)Reasoning Behind Research (Why is there a need to do it?)
Information that reader may need (Basic info about topic)
Lit Review – Give information that backs up your hypothesis. Write as if you don’t know results yet.
Keep short (2 -3 Minutes)
Methods (15 points)Talk about your methodology (focus heavily on this)
How will you get your participants?
How many?
What will your sample look like (race, age, gender, etc.)?
What will you have them do?
Deception or straightforward?
Hypothetical Results (10 points)These do not have to agree with your hypothesis
Describe Demographics here if not included in Methods
Report main results
Conclusion (5 points)Limitations
Implications for future study
Conclude – What it really means and where to go from here.
References (5 points)Full APA Format
I will send you the example of how the powerpoint should like
and ill send you the assignment 5 this is the topic . there is some comment in yellow you should see them by click on the yellow hand to see the comment and fix it

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