Objectives: The purpose of this project is to allow you to explore a health top

The purpose of this project is to allow you to explore a health topic of your choice in depth and to develop an effective health policy brief. Policy briefs are short communications of scientific information to a non-scientific audience, such as stakeholders, politicians, healthcare providers, etc. Policy briefs are well organized and conveys scientific information in an easy to understand format with suggestions for policy and practice (e.g., treatment, funding, training, prevention plan).
**NOTE: you may not select a topic that you have used for previous assignments.**
You will practice the following skills:
Identify the tools and measures used to identify, track, and intervene in health problems.
Recognize key health challenges and describe potential solutions.
Discuss the connections between health and social justice.
Analyze factors that influence health behaviors and factors that enhance or compromise health.
Examine the psychological, behavioral, social, and ecological factors that influence individuals’ & communities’ health behaviors.
Assess the role of health promotion and education in improving individuals’ and communities’ health behaviors.
Task: Choose a health issue/problem you are passionate about and can find data/research on. Check with me if you are unsure if your topic is suitable.
Your policy brief must include the following:
Executive Summary/Introduction: This is the opening descriiption of the problem or issue and your recommendations for a course of action. (1-2 paragraphs)
Context: Provide a context or background that your reader needs to know in order to understand the problem and your recommendation. (2-3 paragraphs)
What community is being affected by the problem?
What is the impact on said community?
Critique of policy: The focus here is to point out shortcomings of what is currently being done to solve the problem and to provide an overview as to why your approach would be the most effective. You need to select and name an actual existing policy (1-2 paragraphs)
Note: Your health issue/problem should have some policy currently in place so completing this section by saying “there are no policies” will not result in credit. If you cannot find a policy, look at a similar topic or issue and relate the policies they used to your problem or issue.
Policy recommendations: Provide your reader with a detailed breakdown of specific guidelines, policies, and/or practical steps that need to be carried out in order to address the pressing problem or issue. (2-3 paragraphs.)
Note: It would be helpful to use evidence or logical rational to support why your policy will work.
Conclusion: Explain how your policy improves on previous policies and why will your policy/program will work. Reiterate your most important points in a closing statement. (1-2 paragraphs)
References: (not counted in page limit): You must use credible references to support your ideas about the problem and solution. You can use actual data (BRFSS or other) as support but also need to use and reference credible research. Cite your sources in text and use APA style.
Your brief should be 2-3 pages, double spaced with each section labeled to match the grading rubric. References and tables/graphs are not included in the page count.
You can use graphs and tables from other websites as long as you cite them appropriately.
Review the Guide to Writing Policy Briefs Links to an external site. reading for help getting started.
Keep in mind who the audience is (professional/government official) – write professionally.
Your policy brief should be eye catching, as if to say “Read me!” You may use a template or create your own in Microsoft Word. I recommend presenting text in 2 columns, and wrap text around images/info graphics. You may want to use bullet points. Again, this should be eye-catching; do not write is as a paper.

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