Now to your final paper. You must follow the guidelines (on Canvas since the sta

Now to your final paper. You must follow the guidelines (on Canvas since the start of the semester):
1) in no more than one page, explain what groups are fighting, when, and when, who leads them, and what each group is fighting for — one presumably to defend a nation-state and another to establish some form of political autonomy or independence for an ethnic group. Begin with “In this conflict, the …. fight/fought the ….” — do not write generalities about how people have been fighting each other since the beginning of time, which is not helpful. In fact, it is so unhelpful, I will deduct points if you do that.
2) in more more than one page, give me historical background, which may include colonialism, the collapse of the Soviet Union, a civil war in a neighboring country, a previous peace deal that went bad, etc. Make sure you limit your historical background to ONE PAGE, because this is not a history class.
3) these 3-4 pages are the most important part of your paper where you will gain most points. In order to do well, I suggest that you compile a levels of analysis grid first. Make sure you know ALL the actors and what they did to cause or to solve the conflict, before you start writing this section. Spend one page each on the individual, domestic, and international level. OR, if the conflict you study is best explained on just two levels, focus on those two and tell me briefly why the third does not matter much. Then you have more room to write about actors on just two levels. This section must be at least 3 pages long.
PLEASE NOTE: you can write out each level of analysis is clear English prose, the way you would expect to do in a final paper, OR you can submit this entire segment 3) in grid form, using the same format you used in your grid submissions previously. I recommend the grid option for those of you who feel the strict organization into columns helps sorting through all the data. In prose narratives, students sometimes get stuck writing about one or two actors only, or they forget to focus on causes of conflict and (attempts at) resolutions to the conflict. The grid can help with that. So, the grid is an OPTION for section 3). You decide what works best for you.
4) in no more than one page, in the end, engage with Lee Ann Fujii and Jesse and Williams. Here I want you to demonstrate that you understand Lee Ann Fujii’s contributions to ethnic conflict studies and I am looking, yet again, for terms like primordialism, instrumentalism, ethnic outbidding, spoilers, ethnic security dilemmas, diasporas, irredentism, etc. Tell me which of the Jesse and Williams terms explains your conflict best. What would Lee Ann Fujii and Jesse and Williams say about your paper if they read it?
Sections 3) and 4) determine, if you get an A in this assignment.
Chicago style, I have also attached the formal guide of the paper and I attached the topic proposal which will help you understand what we are writing about. No AI or chatgpt

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