Math Multiplication/Division Strategies Presentation Grading Criteria You will

Math Multiplication/Division Strategies Presentation Grading Criteria
You will create an original 3-5 minute (5-8 slides) presentation highlighting a minimum
of 2 strategies that can be used to teach students the concept of multiplication and/or
division. You will choose a technology tool that you will use for your presentation (a
narrated PowerPoint, a narrated Prezi, a YouTube video, or something that is a
combination of tools such as Jing or Screencast-o-Matic). You MUST have an oral AND
visual component.
A. Your presentation needs to contain visual demonstrations of the strategies
chosen (i.e. pictures/video of you utilizing these with a child)
B. A thorough rationale for your choices, using information from the textbook and
other sources to validate your choices
C. A detailed discussion on how these specific strategies will help students learn the
content, citing evidence as appropriate
D. An explanation of the relationship between multiplication and division and at least
one other math concept (i.e. fractions).
E. Must be creative and original work, citing/referencing research, actual teacher
experiences, etc. A minimum of 3 sources should be used. All sources, including
publicly available images, will need to be cited in a reference section at the end
of your presentation. This assignment is due Sunday (11:59 pm) of Week 4

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