Listen to/view your speech multiple times (strong familiarity will assist your a

Listen to/view your speech multiple times (strong familiarity will assist your analysis).
Use the Speech Context Questions (listed below) to establish the speech’s situational context.
Analyze the speech for Aristotle’s classic appeals and provide strong examples from the speech.
Your paper should include the following elements:
Title: Remember a creative title for your speech will create a lens for your reader.
Gets the reader’s attention.
Establishes a thesis statement.
Previews the main points that will be discussed in the main body.
Provide context such as who spoke, when/where the speech took place, et cetera. You may use the context questions below to guide you.
Speech Context Questions:
What is the occasion for this speech?
Who is the speaker?
What is the title of the speech?
When was the speech delivered?
Where was the speech delivered?
Who was the intended (target) audience?
Are there additional things that the reader should know about in the background or on the occasion for which the speech was given?
Develop each previewed main point (including each of Aristotle’s appeals**).
Make informed judgements using specific evidence from the speech to support each point.
**Aristotle’s three persuasive appeals are used by speakers to motivate their audience. Your task is to identify within the speech at least one example for each of Aristotle’s three appeals (ethos, logos, pathos). Make sure that you use direct quotations from the speech to support your claims.
Aristotle’s Three Appeals
ETHOS: Appeals based on the credibility and manner of the speaker.
LOGOS: Appeals to logic and fact, or to the power of reason.
PATHOS: Appeals to the emotions of the audience.
What evidence can you find of these persuasive techniques in speech?
Restates the thesis.
Summarize the main points.
Comment on the speech’s overall effectiveness.
In addition to identifying Aristotle’s appeal use, you should also include concluding remarks that comment on the speech’s overall effectiveness. How does this speech rate….is it a “great speech” or “just okay”? Make sure to support your opinion with specific reasons/details and vocabulary that relate to the speech content as well as to our class lessons on effective speech structure and organization.
Adhere to college-level academic writing by:
using course content specific vocabulary.
utilizing effective transitions to connect ideas and paragraphs.
checking grammar and spelling.
following MLA or APA format and appearance rules for submitting a professional looking academic assignment.
including a work cited for the chosen speech you analyzed and any outside sources you used for support.

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