Less than 1% of the nine million deaths in World War I were caused by chemical w

Less than 1% of the nine million deaths in World War I were caused by chemical warfare agents. These
casualties were primarily military. For comparison, more civilians lost their lives in a single night’s
bombing of both Hamburg and Tokyo during World War ll. Fire bombing was a strategy developed by
the Allies. An initial wave of bombers used high explosives to demolish buildings and homes, which
spread readily igniting debris. A wave of incendiary bombs was then dropped which created a firestorm.
Hurricane force winds were produced as the hot air rose causing fresh air to race in at ground level and
fan the flames. In “The Making of the Atomic Bomb”, author Richard Rhodes recounted the story by a
19-year-old survivor of the fire-bombing of Hamburg:
“We got to the Löschplatz (park) all right but I couldn’t go on across the Eiffestrasse because the
asphalt had melted. There were people on the roadway, some already dead, some still lying alive
but stuck in the asphalt. They must have rushed onto the roadway without thinking. Their feet
had got stuck and then they had put out their hands to try to get out again. They were on their
hands and knees screaming.”
Some argue that treaties which ban chemical weapons are humane gestures that make war more
civilized. Others contend that chemical weapons are no less brutal than the other techniques used in war.
In order to convey the stance of your nation on the effects of chemical weapons on people and the
environment, you are tasked with preparing a detailed report of an investigation into this matter. Your
report must clearly convey to a broad audience the nature of chemical weapons, your stance on their use
and development, active and potential government sanctions, and the prospectus of eliminating them.
Note, that nuclear weapons are not classified as chemical weapons and thus should not be discussed in
your report.
Consider addressing the following questions in your report:
– Do treaties to ban chemical weapons detract attention from the central issue?
– What is your view on treaties that selectively ban certain chemical weapons?
– Do you think they help deter war or make war a more palatable option?

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