Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing discussion question and need the explana

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
W13- reading question
Choose 1 question from the list below to answer. If you answer more than 1 question, you will receive extra credit.
In addition to those mentioned in the module, what other costs and rewards might affect a potential helper’s decision of whether to help? Receiving help to solve some problem is an obvious benefit for someone in need; are there any costs that a person might have to bear as a result of receiving help from someone?
What do you think is the primary motive for helping behavior: egoism or altruism? Why? Are there any professions in which people are being “pure” altruists, or are some egoistic motivations always playing a role?
There are other prosocial behaviors in addition to the kind of helping discussed here. People volunteer to serve many different causes and organizations. People come together to cooperate with one another to achieve goals that no one individual could reach alone. How do you think the factors that affect helping might affect prosocial actions such as volunteering and cooperating? Do you think that there might be other factors that make people more or less likely to volunteer their time and energy or to cooperate in a group?

Answering the reading question is worth 3 points.
A comprehensive answer (= answering ALL the parts of the question) –> 2 pts.
A copy of the chosen question along with your answer –> 0.5 pt.
A reference/citation (the following are acceptable: page number(s) in the textbook, page number(s) in the PowerPoint, video from the module, external source) –> 0.5 pt.
Extra credit if you answer more than 1 question –> 0.5 pt. per question (or 1 pt. in total).
Each answer should be around 1 paragraph long; this is a guideline, not a minimum or limit. There is no need to upload a document (but you can if you want to), you can just type your answer in the text box.
Avoid plagiarism by rephrasing the text in your own words (points will be deducted if the Turnitin score is high).
Use complete sentences and make sure to proofread your answer for spelling and grammar mistakes.

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