INSTRUCTIONS One of the requirements for CIST 1602 is to develop a System Secur

One of the requirements for CIST 1602 is to develop a System Security Plan (SSP) for an organization. The submitted products will be a formal SSP and a brief overview will be presented to the class. The plan must be developed under a validated framework (e.g., ISO, NIST).You may use either of the templates included here, find a new template, or create your own. Remember to include the MINIMUM section requirements for the SSP. Not all of these sections are included in the templates; you must modify them to reach the minimum section requirements.General GuidelinesMinimum section requirements for SSPPlan ApprovalSignature
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Organization IdentificationDescription
Personnel contacts
System DescriptionPurpose
System Operational Status
System Interconnection/Information Sharing
System Risk Identification
System Vulnerabilities
Laws, Regulations, and Policies
Security Control Selection
Security Maintenance
Remember proper English GrammarSpelling errors
Comma, Semi-colon, and colon errors
APA/MLA Format
Fragments and Run-on errors
Apostrophe errors
Additional data:Pictures are worth a thousand words if you add pictures, results, photographs, and snippets – document why you included the additional data.
Any data you need to figure out. Include both the result and how you got there. If something goes wrong, you can validate the calculation and how it was used.

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