Instructions: 1. After reading chapter 4, write-up your responses. 2. Submit you

1. After reading chapter 4, write-up your responses.
2. Submit your reading reflection as a .pdf in Moodle.
Reflection questions:
What was the most meaningful, interesting, or significant thing you learned from this chapter?
Next, answer one of the following:
For this assignment you have three options. Please select one and clearly indicate in your assignment which one you selected.
Option 1
Keep a distraction log for one full day. Keep track of each instance in which your attention strays. Identify the topic and situation from which it strayed and the subject that it strayed to. Can you identify any commonalities or clues to the cause of your being distracted from listening?
Option 2
What examples of ineffective listening have you experienced in the past week? Describe these examples. What could have been done to avoid these situations?

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