Instructions You must give detailed and well-explained answers to the assignmen

You must give detailed and well-explained answers to the assignment questions for each module. It is your responsibility to give clear, easy to understand and precise explanations in your answers – you must be very convincing with your answers!
All assignment submissions should be consistent with the following;
Length of assignment – Not more than 2 pages The title and reference pages are excluded from the page count. No abstract is needed.

Format of assignment – AMA
Number of citations – At least 3
Acceptable sources – Peer-reviewed Journal articles and textbooks
Please write each Essay (1,2,3,4) on separate Word documents.
Essay 1: Clinical Uses of Enzymes
Using relevant and specific examples, describe the diagnostic and therapeutic uses of enzymes in medicine and clinical research. Your essay should not be more than 2 pages.
Reading Textbook chapters 2-4
Essay 2: Thiamine Metabolism Assignment
Based on your readings this week, write a 2-page essay on the significance of thiamine in human metabolism and medicine. Your essay must identify relevant thiamine-dependent enzymes, reactions and pathways as well as related disorders.
Reading Textbook chapters 5-7
Essay 3: NSAIDs Case Study Assignment
Using information gleaned from your readings on Eicosanoids, give a clear biochemical response to these questions (Your answers should not be more than 2 pages):
A 65 year old retired construction worker is referred to the dialysis clinic following a recent diagnosis of chronic kidney disease due to a prolonged use of of the NSAID Ibuprofen. Explain the biochemical basis of NSAID nephropathy?
What is the biochemical rationale for the use of low dose aspirin in patients with coronary artery disease? Why is Ibuprofen not a good substitute for aspirin in this case?
Reading Textbook chapters 14-16
Essay 4: Atherosclerosis Assignment
Based on your readings, write a 2-page essay on the biochemical basis and clinical implications of atherosclerosis. Your essay must be rich in molecular and mechanistic detail.
Reading Textbook chapters 17-19
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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