In the Week 1 and Week 2 labs, you used a virtual machine to practice creating i

In the Week 1 and Week 2 labs, you used a virtual machine to practice creating instances, groups, a virtual private cloud (VPC), and other related components. These design tasks replicate tasks you may be asked to complete in your future career as an information systems manager.
This summative assessment consists of completing lab exercises from Weeks 1 and 2 followed by reflecting and connecting to the lab experience.
Assessment Details
Write a 350- to 700-word summary on your experience completing these tasks. Include the following in your summary:
Using specific examples from this week’s labs, explain what it means to design secure workloads and applications.
Analyze why scalability is an important part of this design.
Explain how the labs provided insights for understanding the importance of scalability and how it can be used in your current or future career.

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