In the INTRODUCTION Discussion you will write a bio about yourself, your goals /

In the INTRODUCTION Discussion you will write a bio about yourself, your goals / expectations of the course, and your favorite historical site that you have visited or would like to visit.
Plus answer four questions:
1. In studying African American history, what do you expect to learn in this course?
2. In this current world, why do you think study African American History is important?
3. Share a quote that inspires you?
4. Out of all the classes you could have taken to meet your requirements for a degree: Why did you choose this class, this history to study?
5. Acknowledge your acceptance of the APUS honor code in writing by copying and posting this code below in your post:
AMU and APU Student and Faculty Honor Code
Accept responsibility for my actions at all times.
Practice and promote academic integrity at all times.
Uphold unconditionally the University’s policy of Academic integrity and accept the consequences of Academic dishonesty.
Show consideration for and respect the dignity of all persons.
Honor Pledge
As a member of the American Public University System learning community, I understand and will abide by the University’s policy of academic integrity, as described in the Student Handbook and the University catalog. Furthermore, I agree to the provisions of the APUS Honor Code, and I will not engage in, condone, or assist others in any act of dishonesty or plagiarism. Finally, I understand that I will be subject to appropriate disciplinary and/or academic sanctions if I commit any violations of the University’s academic integrity policies.

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