I have 10 values and I need box and whisker plot with labels and answer the foll

I have 10 values and I need box and whisker plot with labels and answer the following questions : Explain what each quartile is on your box and whisker plot (label). That is what does each of the numbers on the box and whisker plot represent in your experiment. Don’t just list the numbers but instead explain what they mean. ie. what does it mean that XX is the Q1 (25%)? You could write 25% of all less than __, 50% of all are… Celery-2.99 Onion-2.99 Grape-2.99 Collards-1.29 Kale-1.29 Cucumber-1.29 Potatoe-1.99 Broccolini-2.99 Mushroom-3.99 Rapini2.99

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