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It is time to begin connecting theory to practice. This week, you will take everything you’ve learned in the course to this point, and then create a way to identify (or map) the nature of a conflict. You will refer to this document for later assignments, so be sure to craft it carefully.
In your map, be sure to include items such as:
Parties to the conflict (primary, secondary, interested others, including groups)
Context (issues – needs, interests, positions based; conflict dynamics – antecedents, stereotyping) 
Resolution potential (alternative routes to a solution, limiting factors, techniques of management)
The finished product should be a one-page form you can complete any time you are confronted with a conflict. If you fall short of ideas, refer to your Week 1 assignment for help.
Once you’ve crafted your conflict map, take a few minutes to think about the term conflict and what it means to you. As an intervener, it is important to know your own biases coming into the process. For the first part of this assignment, determine 10-20 different words or phrases that help you define conflict. Then, draft analysis of your definition and words/phrases based on the ‘types’ of conflict listed in the first bulleted item below.
Identify which word you focused on from the list you created to define conflict: relationship, data, interest, structural, value, and/or pseudo. Be specific and detailed in your response.
Determine if your words tend to be directly related to only one or two types of conflict, and then explain why you think this occurred. Be sure to use specific examples and concepts from the readings and research as well.
Indicate your thoughts when you think of conflict. Do you tend to view it as a negative interaction, or do you view conflict as more of an opportunity to solve problems? Analyze how you believe you gained this viewpoint regarding conflict.
Analyze whether your perception of conflict, based on what you have listed and what you have read, is an accurate perception and whether it can positively contribute to your success in conflict resolution.
Length: 5-7 pages, including your conflict map, but not including title or reference pages
References: Support your analysis with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

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