Group Project Part 4: Prototype Development & Testing    Objectives: Develop

Group Project Part 4: Prototype Development & Testing   
Develop a prototype.
Conduct initial tests for functionality and effectiveness.
Prepare a Communication Plan.
Module 4:
Prototyping methods.
Basics of product testing.
Update your Briefing PowerPoint document from Module Two to reflect the prototype and initial testing report. Also, update the budget with possible ways to mitigate the shortfall.
Based on the people involved in the project (Program Manager, Engineer, Logistics, Legal, and Finance), prepare a very brief Communication Plan (add it to the PowerPoint).
Emma gathers her project team in the familiar conference room, a sense of urgency underpinning her composed demeanor. “Welcome, everyone. We’ve reached Month (Module) Four, and there are significant updates to discuss. First, the PowerPoint presentation will need to be revised due to a change in budget and logistical issues..”
“We’re pivoting from our original ideas of reverse osmosis and distillation,” Lisa, the Engineering Lead, explains. “After reviewing the prototype challenges and the feedback from your team and the market research, we’ve decided to utilize reed beds for water purification. This simplifies our technological approach, meets the sponsors’ environmental requirements, and makes us more agile.”
Raj, in charge of Logistics, seems pleased. “That would certainly alleviate some of our logistical constraints. Reed beds are more easily sourced and installed.  I’ve started mobilizing our supply chain.”
Emma nods and continues, “We made need that agility.  The second update is some bad news – it’s financial.” 
Maria from Finance frowns, “We’ve had a reduction in our budget by $75,000. One of our funding sources – I’ve mentioned them to you before, has had to reduce its funding.  “The Lindsey Wilson Project Team may have some options to mitigate the impact.  We could aim to shorten the timeline, reduce performance features, or produce fewer units.  That’s not my area though.  Sorry for the bad news.”
Emma gazes thoughtfully at her Lindsey Wilson Project Team. “We’ll need to weigh these options carefully, understanding the impact on quality and deliverables. I’ll need that briefing PowerPoint updated by Sunday at midnight.”
Tim, the Legal Counsel, remarks, “I’ll review any legal implications of these changes, especially the shift to reed beds, and will advise.”
“Great,” Emma says. “Lastly, for this week’s deliverable, the Lindsey Wilson Project Team will also create a Stakeholder Communication Plan.”
New to these meetings, Ethan, the community outreach coordinator, is already making notes. “This is an excellent opportunity to reassess how we’re engaging with our stakeholders given the changes. We’ll define what they need to know, when, and how.”  (Add Ethan to your Stakeholder Communication Plan.  His role will be important toward the end of the project.  Also make sure the Board of Directors and Sponsors are included).
Emma feels a wave of relief wash over her; the challenges are formidable but so is her team. “Exactly. Let’s remember, adaptation is a form of progress. We’ll adjust our sails to reach our destination, even if the winds have shifted.”  Sensing renewed determination in the room, Emma concludes, “By the end of this week, Sunday at midnight, we need an updated Briefing PowerPoint reflecting our new scope and budget, as well as a simple Stakeholder Communication Plan. These are our lighthouses, guiding us through these turbulent waters.”
A chorus of agreement signals a team united, ready to adapt and forge ahead, undaunted by the ever-changing landscape of their ambitious project.
Welcome to the accelerated six-module Water Purification Project!
Your task is to leverage project management and system design principles to address an urgent issue – providing clean water in rural communities. Working in teams, you will research, design, and present a technology-enabled water purification system capable of producing at least 500 gallons of clean water per day per unit. With a generous budget of $1 million (now $925,000) for 1,000 units, you’ll focus on scalability, efficiency, and sustainability. 
Use your textbook and resources to prepare your deliverables.
Your evaluation will be based on the feasibility, scalability, and quality of your deliverables, as well as your final presentation. Good luck!

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