Group Project Part 3:  Market Research and Needs Assessment  Objectives: Bra

Group Project Part 3:  Market Research and Needs Assessment 
Brainstorm and finalize design concepts.
Plan the design phase.
Understand the project’s risks.
Module 3:
Ideation techniques.
Planning and resource allocation.
Create a 6-10 slide Briefing PowerPoint (you will update this in future modules and could/should form the basis of your final briefing in Module Six with preliminary drawings (see attached document) and technical specifications (see attached document). 

Include a summary of module one’s deliverables (scope to include budget, goal, et. al.).
Put the six-month (module) project timeline (include a simple, customized Gantt chart) on one of the slides, as well as a customized Risk Matrix for the project (see below).
Include a Risk Matrix showing the probability of risk and the impact of risk on at least six possible risks (e.g.: supply chain delay).

Emma finally closes her laptop, signifying a transition from planning to actionable steps. “Now, regarding deliverables, we need to complete a Risk Matrix by Sunday midnight, and then the Lindsey Wilson Project Team will coordinate with the Engineering team to prepare a PowerPoint summarizing the prototype’s current state. These are non-negotiables; they will help us recalibrate our expectations and tactics moving forward.”
Lisa nods, acknowledging her role as Chief Engineer. “Sidd is out today and I know we’re behind. I expected to have the technical solution to the Lindsey Wilson Project Team by the end of last week, but it didn’t happen.  The focus will be on the technical setbacks we’ve had, what alternatives we’re considering, and the most feasible paths forward.  We’re still cautiously optimistic.” Emma appreciates Lisa’s straightforward approach; it’s needed during this trying time.  She hopes the Lindsey Wilson Project Team will not be too upset with her for the delay.  “Also, we are going to be over budget, $510,000 for R&D instead of $500,000.”
Ignoring Emma’s slight grimace, Tim adjusts his tie and interjects, “Please make sure that the geopolitical events in the Middle East are on the Risk Matrix.” With his legal background, his stoic face doesn’t conceal his concern but underlines the gravity of the situation.
Maria, ever pragmatic, chimes in, “I’ll continue to monitor the non-profit’s financial situation. As soon as I have something definitive, I’ll let the team know. Meanwhile, shifting budgets should also be in the Risk Matrix.” 
Raj nods, “So should potential supply chain issues.”  He motions to Lisa.  “Our proof of concept testing will be in India, as it has the most modern infrastructure.  Initial components are already on the way.”
Emma leans back in her chair and surveys the room – each person absorbed in their respective challenges but bound by a common goal. “Excellent. Remember, the Risk Matrix and the PowerPoint presentation are essential for our next steps. These deliverables are more than just assignments; they’re critical tools that will inform our strategies and decisions moving forward.  Lindsey Wilson Project team, you are the ‘quarterbacks’ of this effort and I’m confident in you.”
The atmosphere is tense but energized, each member understanding that the project’s aspirations are as immense as its hurdles. Emma concludes, “We’ve got a mountain to climb to meet budget, schedule, and performance objectives, but remember, the view from the top makes it all worthwhile. So let’s buckle down and get this done.” 
A chorus of agreement fills the room as everyone begins to pack up. They leave with a mixture of trepidation and resolve, but above all, a sense of purpose that reignites their commitment to the project.
******Late in the week, Lisa, the Chief Engineer comes up to you, the Lindsey Wilson Project Team, with an apology and the initial product design.  “I know it’s late, but the scope change made us rework the prototype.  Also, Sidd is now out with a broken ankle.  Football, ugh.  Anyway, here it is.  We are pretty certain that reed bed filtration systems will be the best technical solution, so please let us know what you think.”See the attached document:  
Open Source Conceptual Design of a Compact Water Purification Unit Using Reed Bed Filtration.pdfLinks to an external site.
Welcome to the accelerated six-module Water Purification Project!Your task is to leverage project management and system design principles to address an urgent issue – providing clean water in rural communities. Working in teams, you will research, design, and present a technology-enabled water purification system capable of producing at least 500 gallons of clean water per day per unit. With a generous budget of $1 million for 1,000 units, you’ll focus on scalability, efficiency, and sustainability. 
Use your textbook and resources to prepare your deliverables.
Your evaluation will be based on the feasibility, scalability, and quality of your deliverables, as well as your final presentation. Good luck!

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