grading rubric Criteria Meets Does Not Meet Criterion Score Design 50 points I

grading rubric
Does Not Meet
Criterion Score
50 points
Includes generic Interval class that implements Comparable and all its required methods (15)
Includes Time class that implements Comparable and all its required methods (15)
Includes InvalidTime class that implements a checked exception and all its required methods (5)
Includes Project4 class (15)
0 points
Does not include generic Interval class that implements Comparable and all its required methods (0)
Does not include Time class that implements Comparable and all its required methods (0)
Does not include InvalidTime class that implements a checked exception and all its required methods (0)
Does not include Project4 class (0)
Score of Design,/ 50
100 points
Generates correct GUI (25)
Generates correct output when Compare Intervals button is clicked (25)
Generates correct output when Check Time button is clicked (25)
Correctly throws exception on invalid times (25)
0 points
Does not generate correct GUI (0)
Does not generate correct output when Compare Intervals button is clicked (0)
Does not generate correct output when Check Time button is clicked (0)
Does not correctly throw exception on invalid times (0)
Score of Functionality,/ 100
50 points
Discussion of approach included (10)
Includes correct UML diagram (10)
Includes test plan with sufficient test cases (10)
Lessons learned included (10)
Comment blocks with student name, project, date and code description included in each file (10)
0 points
Discussion of approach not included (0)
Does not include correct UML diagram (0)
Does not include test plan with sufficient test cases (0)
Lessons learned not included (0)
Comment blocks with student name, project, date and code description not included in each file (0)
Score of Documentation,/ 50

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