For this journal, you will outline the process for proposing a communication str

For this journal, you will outline the process for proposing a communication strategy that fosters change and innovation in an organization.
Address the following questions when outlining the process:
Explain the context in which an issue occurs within an organization.
Develop a solution that will solve the organizational issue and meet the needs of the people involved. Consider how social media can be leveraged to improve organizational public relations.
Include a potential audience analysis. Use Neal’s (2020) communications questions, which are listed below.
What am I trying to achieve?
How will my audience react to what I am trying to achieve?
Will my message be resisted?
What do I know about my audience that will help me tailor my message?
Identify a channel to gain feedback.
Your journal should consist of a minimum of 3 well-constructed paragraphs. Sources used, if any, should be listed and formatted in APA.

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