For the organization you selected in Module 1: Case Study Milestone 1, consider

For the organization you selected in Module 1: Case Study Milestone 1, consider that the time has come to perform an internal audit. You, as CISO, have some decisions to make that can significantly affect the quality and accuracy of the audit. The audit covers every department, division, and location of the organization. For this milestone, please provide information about your internal audit, including the following:
Who will be on the audit team? Specifics should include a name or title (feel free to make it up—you can even use a theme like all Disney characters); their position, including responsibilities that make this person essential for the audit committee; their location (in which business unit and physical location do they work?); why you included them; and who would serve as the back-up in the event that this person could no longer participate (due to illness, termination, etc.). Include at least five (5) essential employees.
If your organization does not have the essential employees and skills, who would you add, and how would you find them and assess their qualifications or abilities?
If you excluded any departments, locations, or countries, identify why the exclusion was made.
Where will you start? What process will you use?
Provide high-level details about your approach to the audit.
How will you know when you are finished?
Once the audit is completed, what criteria will you establish to determine if an external auditing firm should be hired?
Provide the relevant details to show your understanding of the process and of your selected business.
***I’ve attached my previous work for identification of my chosen topic and continuity. (Digital Forensics)***

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