For each of the two moments: Scene 1 (pages 5-7): This act reveals the critical

For each of the two moments: Scene 1 (pages 5-7): This act reveals the critical conversation between Medea and Jason as the latter declares his intention to marry the princess of King Creon, causing her to feel betrayed and abandoned. The scene is filled with tension and emotion, illustrating the unraveling of a once-loving relationship. Quality of light and intended mood: In this image, the light quality should be dim and cast shades reflecting the character’s inner turbidity and darkness of the emotions. The mood must be built up of fear and undercharged emotion, with dancing flame adding to the term of unstable and potential tragedy.
Act 3, Scene 2 (pages 21-23): Medea’s decision-making process of pursuing revenge, which involves sending her magic potions to Jason’s new wife as a gift, is witnessed, which eventually leads to the incidence of both the princess and King Creon’s death. Besides being a moment of turn in the story, it displays Medea’s deeply calculated vengeance but simultaneously demonstrates her cunning and determination.
In this scene, the darkness of light should be apart from the illusion and horror, symbolizing Medea’s falling into deeper darkness by submitting herself to the role of an angry and vengeful force. The atmosphere should be uneasy and eerie, full of threatening, menacing, and inescapable impressions to portray the effectiveness of Medea’s scheme. The shadows dancing around Medea represent her anxiety as she prepares to show her wrath.
Cite the act/scene and its corresponding page numbers
Write 75-100 words for both moments about quality of sound and the intended mood you wish the audience to experience
Sound: Song or Sound Selections
First, curate a pre-show playlist–what music or soundscape should the audience listen to while waiting for the show to begin? Your example playlist should be no more than 2-3 songs or soundscapes.
For each scene of your two selected passages, you will select three examples of possible sound for use in the production. You should sample from a variety of sources, to include:
Select an underscore for the scene–some music or soundscape that will play under the spoken dialogue
Select two special effects–highlight a line, moment, beat or anything that speaks to you with a compelling effect (make sure you note when the sound cue would be called)
One SFX should be ambient (like birds, city noise, etc)
One SFX should be an event (alarm, click, door shutting, etc).
For at least one selection, you will record your own sound.
Reminder that sound is sound–songs, nature sounds, electronic beeps, white noise machines, keyboard clacks, ocean waves, cats purring–if it works, it works.
Upload your selections for easy sharing, like a YouTube channel or a Spotify Playlist. Do not share music files directly with me as that gets super annoying.

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