Ethical principles apply to all aspects of the employer-employee relationship. T

Ethical principles apply to all aspects of the employer-employee relationship.
The employer-employee relationship should not be looked at simply in economic terms. It is a
Significant human relationship of mutual dependency that has great impact on the people involved. A person’s job, like a person’s business, are highly valued possessions that pervasively affect the lives of the employees and their families. With stakeholders everywhere, the relationship is laden with moral responsibilities. Though the pressures of self-interest are very powerful and compelling, both workers and bosses should guide their choices by basic ethical principles including honest, candor, respect and caring.
Open and read the link below which discusses the rights and duties of both employers and employees.  The article lists many categories (Business Ethics, Disability Law, Discrimination, etc.) that are important considerations in any employer-employee relationship.  Choose any of the categories listed and dive deeper into the subject matter.  Give the class information that you have gathered, and also discuss your viewpoints of the issue.

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