DISCUSSION WITH COLLEAGUES Now that you’ve gathered and analyzed information on

Now that you’ve gathered and analyzed information on the International Legal Challenges case file, Vice President Dodger would like you to discuss your thoughts with the other members of his special investigations team. He sends you two requirements for this discussion:
First, each participant is to post an initial response to at least two of the five questions noted in the International Legal Challenges file. This should be completed during Week 5 and should meet the following requirements:
Include a specific recommendation of what action, if any, the VP should take based on your analysis and conclusions.
Support your conclusion with references to legal principles and laws.
These posts can be as long or as short as you need in order to effectively make your points.
Second, each participant must provide a substantive response to at least one posting from a colleague in the discussion, critiquing the initial post by appealing to legal and business considerations. This should be completed during Week 5.

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