Discussion: minimum of 175 words As a health care manager, you will be asked to

Discussion: minimum of 175 words
As a health care manager, you will be asked to collaborate when assessing systems for usability and improvements. How will health IT projects be identified? How will your role influence the project scope and feasibility? Provide details.
Replies: 100 words
Delores Bellow
Health IT projects are identified by many factors. The business case and project scope of a project can be used. The business case addresses who or what problem will be addressed, who will receive help from the result, and why the problem needed to be solved. The project scope would tell how long the project will take and what resources are needed for its completion. The report answers any problems that may arise and gives more details on the projects. The project needs to meet the goal and outcome the stakeholders want. The project should follow the scheduled deadlines expected for each phase of the project. Working on the project, it needs to stay on budget. Everything needs to meet the proper requirements and approval to continue and complete the project, so the deliverable is the goal of the stakeholder. Name and manage any risks effectively that could delay the project’s deliverable. The progress of the project to the stakeholder and client needs to be clearly communicated and understood. All the resources are distributed properly within the project whether its financial, technology, and staff. 
Michelle Gonzalez
Health care managers determine the necessities of IT health projects by things such as:
Analyzing      the goals, research, and assigning specific tasks
Creating      an agenda of the strategies
Designating      and captivating shareholders to prevent problems, halt, or misconstrue.
Risk      tests by guiding accurate peril assessments and creating ways to diminish      peril, like supervisory modifications, clinical doubts, or tech disputes.
Conducting      patient evaluations to determine essentialness of patient necessities and      goals.
Quality      check by utilizing tech to oversee achievement, recognize problems, and      make judgements.
Simply by overseeing and managing all aspects of the project listed above can help identify throughout the whole project and determine the success of the project. The project scope and feasibility are to help assure that the task stays on track, avoiding implementations of necessary modifications due to an issue thar could have been avoided by doing the risk assessment. I strongly believe that it’s all about having the right managerial personnel in place and selecting the right collaborators because if you do that it could ensure efficiency and effectiveness. Project scope managerial allows clear standards about the deadline, work, and expense pertaining to the project. It is vital that the manager always be descriptive and set barriers and ensures that the team members are only focused on their set assigned task, incorporating ideas to help solve and potential peril, verifying and approve the work once it’s completed. 
As a practice manager, being able to explain the use of a systems analysis for a business system is a key element of your role. Going through this process will assist with performance improvement as you focus on that specific system and detail the needs, milestones, and outcomes of the project.
Refer to the information system you selected in Week 1.  You will refer to this system as you proceed through the project management process and the rest of the assignments in the course.
Imagine you are a practice manager for the workplace, organization, or case you selected in Week 1. The new IT manager has asked you to analyze the information system you selected for the rest of the department. She wants to better understand the type of project, the scope and feasibility, and requirements, as well as what will make the project a success or failure.
Assessment Deliverable
Write a 700- to 1,050-word report for your manager in which you analyze the chosen information system project using systems analysis. In your report:
Explain the      approach you would take to perform a systems analysis for a business or      organization system need.
Identify the specific system project that would meet the need of your system analysis.
Describe the requirements of the selected project.
Explain the scope and feasibility of the selected project.
Analyze what will make the project a success or failure.
Cite at least 2 reputable sources. One source may be your textbook, Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World. Reputable sources include trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other resources of similar quality.

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