Discussion assignment 10 1313 unread replies.1313 replies. The required reading

Discussion assignment 10
1313 unread replies.1313 replies.
The required reading this week is Work Won’t Love You Back “Ch. 10 – It’s All Fun and Games: Sports” (291-319).
There are two parts to this discussion assignment. Each part is worth 15 points. Clearly separate Parts 1 and 2.
Part 1 – Reading Question
Jaffe writes that “women athletes, more than men, are told that sports should be done for love, not money” (305). Provide at least two examples from the chapter that illustrate how this idea has been used against athletes who have fought for fair pay and working conditions.
Fully develop your answer using examples from the text including quotations, paraphrase, and summary. Follow MLA rules when citing information from the book. In MLA, you must include the page numbers when quoting from a book. Do it at the end of the sentence in parentheses like this (#). See the course modules on MLA in-text citation.
Your answer to Part 1 must be at least 250 words. Here is a Quick Guide on MLA in-text citation and incorporating quotations.
Part 2 – Analyze persuasive rhetoric
Identify at least one pro-union and one anti-union argument made in the Starbucks unionization campaign and analyze the persuasive appeals made by each.
Which persuasive appeals do they use: logos, ethos, or pathos? The arguments might use one or more of these appeals. Explain which appeals are used in each of the arguments and support your analysis with specific examples including quotations, paraphrase, or summary.
Your answer must be at least 250 words.

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