Directions: Create a presentation with 2 or more images that discusses two or m

Create a presentation with 2 or more images that discusses two or more aspects of your relative’s community cultural wealthLinks to an external site. (family, friends and community, language, resilience and struggle for justice, hope when things are hard, ability to navigate situations/institutions, etc.)
Upload the file, video, or a photo of your presentation to the link in Canvas, before class starts on the due date.
Goal: Your presentation is meant to be a visual form of part of your relative’s life and a celebration of their strengths and assets. You do not need to do any new research. You can cut and paste information from your oral history paper into your presentation.
Format: Your presentation can take whatever format you want 🙂 Here are some ideas:
Infographic (how-to and example 1, example 2, example 3)
Public Service Announcement Video (how-to and examples)
Pamphlet (how-to and examples)
Webpage (web page how-to and example)
Other ideas…check with instructor
Upload the file, video, or a photo of your presentation to the link in Canvas by the due date.
Your presentation should include the following components:
Your relative’s name
2 or more aspects of your relative’s community cultural wealth
2 or more images related to your current event and research topic

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