Description you get to select one of the six articles below (each of which is po

you get to select one of the six articles below (each of which is posted as a pdf file in the Module). Take a brief look at each of the articles to see which one appears the most interesting to you. As with the previous written assignment, read the selected article and write a 3-4 page paper (double-spaced, 10-12 pt font, 1000-1500 words) for submission.Each paper should consist primarily of a very detailed review of the article (tell me what the article was about), with a short discussion section at the end (1/2 page). Do not cut-n-paste from the text or other sources, and do not quote text from the article (synthesize and paraphrase- I know what the author said, I want to know what you think they said!). For the discussion section, pick out and discuss some aspect of the article that you found to be the most interesting, surprising, and/or problematic. Please discuss why this topic was noteworthy to you. Feel free to express your personal opinions, including agreement or disagreement with the arguments (and your reasoning behind these stances).Remember that the use of various forms of AI software like ChatGBT and some uses of Grammarly to generate text for this written assignment is considered plagiarism.

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