Description and Instructions Project Instructions This project enables the stude

Description and Instructions
Project Instructions
This project enables the students to integrate the covered knowledge and skills in this course.
Total Marks = 14
Group Size = 3- 4 members.
Submit all files: Project Report (Word and PDF) on blackboard before 15th May 2024. Marks will be given based on your submission and quality of the contents.
Each group must come up with a unique solution for the project based on the below description.
Implement the Simple Library Management System according to the requirements provided.
Write a Java program to demonstrate the functionality of the system.
Include comments in your code to explain the purpose of each class, method, and important code block.
Test your program with different scenarios to ensure that it works as expected.
Project Title: Library Management System
Description: You are tasked with developing a Library Management System in Java. The system should allow librarians to manage the library’s collection of books and assist clients in borrowing and returning books. Additionally, clients should be able to search for books by title or author.
1- Book Class:
Create a Book class with the following attributes:
title (String): The title of the book.
author (String): The author of the book.
available (boolean): The availability status of the book (true if available, false if borrowed).
Implement appropriate getter and setter methods for each attribute.
2- Library Class:
Create a Library class to manage the library’s collection of books. Include methods to:
Add a new book to the library.
Display a list of available books.
Allow clients to borrow books.
Allow clients to return books.
Search for books by title or author.
3- User Interface:
Implement a simple command-line interface (CLI) for librarians and clients to interact with the system.
Provide menu options for librarians to perform actions such as adding books, displaying available books, searching for books, borrowing books, and returning books.
Allow clients to search for books by title or author.
4- Sample Data:
Add at least three sample books to the library’s collection during initialization.
5- Functionality:
When a client borrows a book, update the book’s availability status to reflect that it is no longer available.
When a client returns a book, update the book’s availability status to reflect that it is available again.
Implement search functionality to allow clients to search for books by title or author.
6- Error Handling:
Implement basic error handling to handle cases such as invalid input and book availability checks.
7- Testing:
Test the functionality of the system by performing various actions such as adding books, searching for books, borrowing books, and returning books. (Include screen-shots of your output)

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