Create a robust Student Record Management System in Java to empower admdraft

Create a robust Student Record Management System in Java to empower administrators with efficient tools for handling student records. This system should encompass functionalities such as adding new students, updating student information, and viewing student details.
Student Data Storage:
Use individual variables to store student information such as name, ID, age, and grade.
Student Management:
Develop a set of logically separated methods/functions within a dedicated classless structure, employing static variables for storing the total number of students and the student list.
Administrator Interface:
Display a menu with options to add a new student, update student information, and view student details.
Prompt the administrator for necessary inputs and perform the requested operations using the StudentManagement logic.
Error Handling:
Implement error handling to manage cases where the student ID is not found or invalid inputs are provided.
Provide comprehensive documentation.
Include instructions for running the program and interacting with the administrator interface.
Remember to use appropriate variable names and follow coding best practices.
Submit the assignment in MS Word or PDF file.

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