Copying or imitating Google is prohibited, and the solution must be accurate and

Copying or imitating Google is prohibited, and the solution must be accurate and delivered on time
It is important to adhere to the instructions in the assignment and add the reference
This is a presentation related to the project attached to the template. I hope that the coordination is as wonderful as required, as is required of our task team in the presentation. I will attach the names of the team for you to add, and also a picture is required on what is attached to you. I hope to provide me with the task of each member to enter the zoom and send his task and photograph and attach the pictures to you so that they are attached. Thank you for your presentation
Team names
1-Sahar Alhemyari
2-Ferdoos Alabbad
3-Razan Alqhtany
4-Wafa Alshehri
5-Rawan Alshahrani

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