Clients come to professionals because they need professional expertise; they don

Clients come to professionals because they need professional expertise; they don’t have it themselves. They will depend on you in the most important areas of their lives, such as money, health, education, and safety, and you will be responsible for the decisions you make. That’s why, throughout this course, you will be creating an ethical decision-making toolkit that you can use throughout your professional career. Creating a toolkit now means having a plan in place for the times when tough decisions must be made.
You’ll build your toolkit in a guided, step-by-step manner, using Microsoft’s SmartArt or a comparable tool. Visualization is creative and inspiring, and it has the advantage of capturing complexity in a relatively simple form that you can quickly consult as needed. By completing these Evolve activities over the next several weeks, you will equip yourself with a visual representation of ethical decision-making that is personally useful to you and faithfully represents your values, standards, and inclinations. You will create your own guide to making ethical decisions, reliably and with confidence, no matter how challenging they may be.
In this module, you have discovered your default mode of ethical reasoning and explored its relationship to other default modes. Now you’ll begin to create your visual toolkit by representing these default modes and what they mean to you. In the next module you’ll add to it, and over the next six weeks you’ll continue to bring in new elements until you have a fully-realized visual representation of your toolkit. At the end, you’ll reflect on the process.
Activity Instructions We recommend Microsoft’s SmartArt. It is easy to learn and easy to use.  Watch a short tutorial on creating and changing SmartArtLinks to an external site.. You are also encouraged to use any other graphic design tools to create charts or infographics for this type of activity in the future. Please export your graphic as an image.
TaskUse SmartArt to depict what you learned this week about your default mode, and how it relates to the other two (principles/duties, consequences, virtues). Model the relationships that you see between the three modes, and/or their relationship to you, in a way that feels right to you. Don’t get overwhelmed by the number of templates. Keep your image simple, because it’s just a working document. You will play with it throughout the course as you pick up more tools and learn how they will work best.
Once you are satisfied with your model, post it to the discussion for this activity, and comment briefly on the following questions: 
What did you learn about yourself in relationship to the ethical concepts that you tried to portray in your visual?  
Why did you use a certain template, with certain shapes?
Why did you include certain parts and concepts? 

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