Choose two of the four readings below taken from study week two. Summarise these

Choose two of the four readings below taken from study week two. Summarise these readings. Allow 500 words for each piece.
▪ Thomson I.T. (2005) ‘The theory that won’t die: From Mass Society to the Decline of Social Capital’,
Sociological Forum, 20 (3):421-448
▪ Ward S.J.A. (2014) ‘Classic Liberal Theory in a Digital World’, in Fortner R.S. and Fackler P. M. (eds)
The Handbook of Mass Communication Theory. Chichester: John Wiley
▪ Laughey, D. (2007) ‘What is media theory?’, in Key Themes in Media Theory (Chapter 1).
Buckingham: Open University Press
▪ Longhurst, B. et al. (2010) ‘Cultural Theory’, in Introduction to Cultural Studies (Chapter 1 – sections 1.1-1.4)

*** Words count = 1000 words.
*** In-Text citations and referencing using Harvard style.

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