Choose one of the topics below and write a Literature review : The impact of nur

Choose one of the topics below and write a Literature review :
The impact of nurse-led interventions on patient outcomes in acute care settings
The use of technology in nursing education: a review of current literature
The Role of Nursing in managing chronic illnesses: a systematic review
The effectiveness of nurse-led smoking cessation interventions: a meta-analysis
The impact of nurse staffing levels on patient safety and quality of care
Nursing interventions to prevent hospital-acquired infections: a systematic review
The effectiveness of nurse-led counseling interventions for improving medication adherence in chronic disease management
The use of simulation in nursing education: a review of the literature
The Impact of nurse-led discharge Planning on patient outcomes and readmission rates
The role of nursing in end-of-life care: a review of the literature.
Write three pages paper excluding the presentation and references page. Use APA-7 formatting.
Please make sure that you are utilizing information from peer-reviewed journals.
·You must present your writing double-spaced, in Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier New font, with a font size of 12.
·Pay attention to grammar rules (spelling and syntax).
·Your work must be original and not contain material copied from books or the internet. 
 Use 3 reference sources with no more than 5 years of publishing
·When citing the work of other authors, including citations and references, use APA -7 style to respect their intellectual property and avoid plagiarism.
·Remember that your writing must have a cover page that includes the name of the institution, the program, the course code, the title of the activity, your name and student number, and the assignment’s due date.

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