Candidates will write 2-3 page reflection (answer the questions) on each of the

Candidates will write 2-3 page reflection (answer the questions) on each of the brief cases located in the textbook.APA writing style
Pauline and the Preventive Group Adventure Pauline is a newly minted group counselor who believes that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. She does not want to do remediation work, yet she has been assigned by her mental health agency to one of the poorest sections of the city in which she lives. Having studied other cultures, Pauline thinks an after-school study group would be helpful for kids in the neighborhood to prevent them from getting bad grades and to boost their self-images as achievers. Therefore, Pauline puts up signs at a local community center and even on telephone poles. Her initial effort works as half a dozen preteens show up on the appointed day and appointed hour. Attendance is fine initially, but Pauline is a strict taskmaster, allowing no eating, drinking, or horseplay in her office. By the third week, no one comes. QUESTIONS: What did Pauline do right in beginning her group? Where did she go wrong? What could she do to revive the group and get it going again BOOK:Gladding, S. (2020) Groups: A Counseling Specialty (8th ed.). Hoboken, NJ : Pearson.

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