Book:Tanner, L. N. (1997). Dewey’s Laboratory School: Lessons for Today. Teacher

Book:Tanner, L. N. (1997). Dewey’s Laboratory School: Lessons for Today. Teachers College Press. ISBN: 978-0807736180
1. The introduction provides the foundation for the book report by presenting the basic information about the book (title, author, subject) and a brief overall of the content you will present in your book report. (One paragraph)
The background section will provide the context for the book you chose. You can discuss the historical context for the book as it relates to field of early education, the purpose of the book, the theoretical foundation for the book, and why the content of this book is significant. (Two paragraphs minimum)
Key Ideas
In this section, students should consider the content of the entire book carefully and select four key ideas they learned from the book. These should each be identified and described with several supporting quotes from the book. (Approximately three to four pages)
In this section, student should describe the significance of the key ideas presented in this book as they relate to field of early childhood studies. (Approximately one page)
This last section of the paper should provide a summary of the paper, highlighting key elements from the paper. (One paragraph)
APA requirements for this assignment are as follows: Title page (no headings need to be included); pages numbered; overall APA formatting with one inch margins, double spacing, and recommended font; in text citation, reference page with correct article information. APA will count for 10% of the grade for this assignment, although papers with significant APA errors will be returned for revision prior to grading.Your reference page should include your course text and your chosen book in perfect APA format at minimum.
Your reference page should include your course text and your chosen book in perfect APA format at minimum. 
The significance of the ideas from the book with respect to the field of early childhood studies is clearly discussed.

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