A term paper on a specific Labor Relations (Union-Employer Relations) Topic is REQUIRED for this course.  
The term paper is a research paper which focuses on a “Labor Relations (Union-Employer Relations)” topic.  The term paper MUST NOT be treated as a creative writing assignment. Your emphasis should be on facts, information, and evidence that involve Labor Relations (Union-Employer Relations).
The term paper MUST include a brief summary (outline) of issues in your paper which also pertains to the topic and concepts expressed in your textbook. (The outline is similar to an executive summary, which should be located at the beginning of the term paper.)
Must include an Executive Summary of issues in your paper.
The executive summary belongs at the beginning of your paper. “An executive summary provides an overview of a larger document or research and is usually the first thing your reader will see.”
The term paper must be typewritten, and where appropriate, MUST contain reference sources, endnotes and a bibliography. (References, bibliographies, etc.  are separate and do not count toward your page requirements) 
The term paper MUST be a minimum of 4 full pages and a maximum of 5 pages in length, double spaced 
(multiple spaces between lines will adversely affect the grade of your paper), and must have 11-12” font (larger fonts will adversely affect your grade). Also, headings must not take up substantial sections of the page.  
Again, the reference / bibliography page is separate and does not count as a part of the 4-5 page paper.
To successfully complete the assignment, conduct research on the topic and report on your findings.  In so doing, include key points from your textbook.  Do not use your textbook as your only source of information. Provide an analysis of the subject matter where necessary, make Labor Relations-related recommendations etc. 
I am looking for your analysis of the research findings and am interested in your demonstrating what you have learned rather than your repeating information found on the internet. All paraphrases or quotations must be accompanied by in-paragraph citations and a bibliography/reference list. Quoted and paraphrased material are to be used sparingly. See syllabus for guidelines on the use of quoted material. Avoid “over-quoting” or excessive use of others’ material with quotation marks around it. Use your own words!
All responses to the term projects requirements are to be written thoroughly with complete sentences and appropriate English mechanics. Do not use bullet points, graphs, charts or pictures! Express thoughts clearly in paragraph format. Be descriptive and provide details and thorough explanations. Also, pay attention to grammar, spelling, syntax, organization of ideas, etc.  
Wikipedia is not an acceptable source. Please refrain from using it. Must include your assessment / analysis (your view point) of the subject matter/research where necessary, make labor relations-related recommendations, etc.

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