Attached Files:
Module 7 – SPSS Output.docx Module 7 – SPSS Output.docx – Alternative Formats (18.937 KB)
Module 7 – SPSS Output.spv (8.952 KB)
AGuidelinetoReportingStatisticsinAPAStyle.pdf AGuidelinetoReportingStatisticsinAPAStyle.pdf – Alternative Formats (271.009 KB)
1. Interpret the multiple regression output exploring Fear of Missing Out Total as the Dependent Variable and BFI_Extraversion, and BFI_Conscious as the Independent Variables. Use the video provided along with the attached resources (a research article with an example results section) to guide you in calculation and interpretation of the statistic in SPSS.
2. Write an APA results section for the multiple regression, being careful to frame your results as significant or insignificant using the written resources attached to this assignment. Focus on drafting the written narrative in APA format based on the guidance attached to this assignment. Include a table based on the APA style manual 7th edition if relevant. *Note: SPSS usually does not generate tables in APA format so reformating of your results in Microsoft Word will likely be necessary.
3. Include a copy of the SPSS output as an appendix after writing your results section.Your assignment must be formatted using APA Style (7th ed)–student research paper template.
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