Answer All questions by typing commands in the answer sheet, then provide print

Answer All questions by typing commands in the answer sheet, then provide print screens to show the implementation.
1) Exploit windows XP by using:
A) a scraper Meterpreter script, then provide registry information, password hashes, and network information that you have gained from this exploitation.
B) checkvm, getcountermeasure, getgui, hostsedit, Killav, and winenum Meterpreter scripts. Show the exploitation detail for each script attack.
2) Exploit Ubuntu, then use the following Linux Post Modules to get useful information. Explain information you have gained from each Module:
i) Checkvm
ii) enum_configs
iii) enum_network
iv) enum_protections
v) enum_system
3) How the Meterpreter session can get the system privileges? Provide example
4) Provide example for Udev Privilege Escalation on Linux
5) What is a Pass the Hash technique? Provide an example for Linux and example for Windows.
6) Provide example for Exploiting Open phpMyAdmin
7) What is the Attacking XAMPP? Provide example for supporting your answer

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