Additional Details: Existing Material: I’ve provided a basic presentation and fi

Additional Details:
Existing Material: I’ve provided a basic presentation and final report for reference:Report File: MEM_601__Final_report__Copy_AZ_09052024 V1.pdf
Presentation File: capston beta AZ 09052024 V1.pptx
Content Requirements:Introduction & Problem Statement: Provide a compelling introduction emphasizing the brokerage platform problem’s significance in building materials.
MDP Concept & Policy Optimization: Visually demonstrate MDP solving the problem, showing state transitions and policy evaluation via animations and flowcharts.
Assumptions: Clearly outline model assumptions, like state discretization and finite horizon.
Constraints: Highlight model constraints (e.g., discount factor, convergence rate).
Deliverables: Describe how the project’s recommendations apply to a brokerage platform’s pricing strategy.
Results and Conclusion: Use visuals to show the impact of MDP-based policies, with a clear and actionable conclusion.
Technical Requirements:The freelancer should understand MDPs, value iteration, and optimal policy concepts to ensure the presentation’s accuracy.
Include visually engaging graphics, animations, and storytelling elements.
Additional Guidelines:The presentation should have about 15 slides to ensure comprehensive yet concise coverage.
Each presenter (total of 3) should cover approximately a third of the content.
A new, visually rich and storytelling-oriented presentation in PPTX format, completed within one day.
Note to Freelancer: Your work should weave a story, from problem statement to solution, and include assumptions, deliverables, constraints, and a compelling conclusion. Let’s make this memorable!

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