2. The paper you write is NOT to be a boring research paper; it must be an attra

2. The paper you write is NOT to be a boring research paper; it must be an attractive and pleasant to read. It should be fashioned like a magazine or on-line article.
3. As an entertaining, informative and persuasive article, it should include images and/or graphics in a well-designed manner.
4.  The article should be no more than 1200 words in total length (including sources/endnotes); 50 words more/less is acceptable. 
5.  The project must be done using Word (not Publisher or other software) and uploaded as a Word file.
7. The project Word file is to be uploaded on our Canvas site no later than Monday, May 6, at 11:59 p.m.
8. The article MUST contain at least five distinct paragraphs (more are very acceptable); 1st paragraph should contain your thesis (your restatement of the chosen prompt indicating your position); #2, #3, #4 (or more) paragraphs should contain your supports/evidence for your position; #5 Conclusion. As to your thesis, do not just make reference to (for example) “prompt #1”; restate the chosen prompt so that it indicates your position as to the prompt.
9. You must use and cite at least 3 published sources for your argument/evidence; at least one of the sources must be from a physically published source (i.e. book, magazine that has actual page numbers). Our MUS 236 textbook CANNOT be used as a source.
10.  Sources/references should be indicated within the body of your article, but the citation of the sources used are to be presented as end notes NOT foot notes. Citations should use either Chicago Manual of Style or MLA citation style. 

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