1- You will be designing an artist studio that will be located adjacent to the S

1- You will be designing an artist studio that will be located adjacent to the Salton Sea, which at a larger context sits within the lower Colorado Desert. The studio needs to serve both the artist in question and the landscape that it sits upon. The designs must challenge the typical vernacular or idea of what an artist’s studio could be.
You can decide the type of artist you’re designing for i.e. painter, sculptor, textile design, etc.
Both decisions will inform the final design of the building and spaces. drawings are done by hand, they must be printed.
2-after your drawing it use another copy by use AI images generated can also be used as points of inspiration.
3- see the attached it info
a) use the same floor plan design that attached Maybe you can add or modify a little
1. Section drawings (2) @ appropriate scale
2. Elevation drawings (2) @ appropriate scale 3
3-. Circulation diagram
4- Programmatic diagram
5–experiential perspectives

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