1- In our video this week, Dr. Michael Rabow stated that we don’t think of spiri

1- In our video this week, Dr. Michael Rabow stated that we don’t think of spirituality as a medical intervention.  In fact, spirituality in the healthcare setting is a philosophical discourse about ultimate human concerns between friends, between people who care…not a technique between friends.
When you are dealing with patients who are not friendly and seemingly do not care how can you and do you let your spirituality show through?  How can you and do you infuse your wisdom into this ultimate philosophical discourse about ultimate human concerns without becoming cold and simply making your interaction a technique?

2-The nursing relationship:  How much of it is an I -it rather than an I-thou proposed by Buber.  Is it possible to sustain an I-thou relationship in your everyday responsibilities as a nurse?  Is it just as important to be in the I – it relationship?  Is it a matter of balance? What might that balance be?
You are the authors of this week’s discussion questions.  After reading I and Thou and watching the videos on Buber, you are to post a discussion question pertaining to some part of Buber’s philosophy and how it pertains to the nursing practice.
3-What was the main takeaway you received from watching the two videos? 

4- Create a unique question from the readings this week 

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