1. For your classwork assignment, please upload the InDesign file. You can inclu

1. For your classwork assignment, please upload the InDesign file. You can include a pdf file as well (optional). 2. The assignment has two parts:    a) Create a cover page with the following elements:            – Your name and profession title (of the product or service you created)                – Your created logo. You can use your initials as an illustration.                – An image photograph of your product being used or service performed.            b) Create a 2-page spread with the following elements:            – A background photograph image that bleeds off the page edge (extends to the edges of the pages).                – The image can be lightened so the text placed on top is readable. Remember to use contrasts such as light background and dark text or dark background and light text.                – A text link from one text box page to another so that the text goes from one column and continues to the next column.                – Text of your:                    1) Background (about your history as the creator of the product or service provider)                        2) Creative inspiration (what inspired or motivated you to create or do it?)                        3) Tech usage (what tech is used? Is it battery operated? Software? Equipment?)                    – A photograph image of you (professional profile photo) and/or product placed on a shelf, in a home, computer lab, desktop, or with a customer using it. Pay attention to the background of your photo.

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