Write an introduction to your Formal Report (about 700 words). Look back at the

Write an introduction to your Formal Report (about 700 words). Look back at the sample. Your introduction should explain the problem/issue/need you are attempting to address and should include quotes from sources.So what is the problem or issue or need
Who does it affect/what are their important demographics and traits to be considered
It should give the solution and prove the solution will solve the problem by giving me at least two reasons
It should then explain that there are two choices that will solve the problem/issue/need and describe what they are.
It should then explain that in order to pick the best choice, the two will be compared using a set of criteria
The criteria should be explained so that readers understand what they are and why the writer is using those criteria. Remember, criteria are how you compare the two choices. For example if I were looking at Fitness trackers, cost, features, warranty, ease of use would be some criteria I might use. If I were doing micro investment companies, Investment Approach, Portfolio Options. Fees, Features, Ease of Use, Mobile Platform and so on.
I will send you a sample and the topic I chosen

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