The Module 3 Assignment provides experience with data integration tasks using Pentaho Data Integration. You need to perform some data cleaning operations on two data sources and then load the data into the fact table of the inventory data warehouse. You should see the class website for details about downloading and installing Pentaho Data Integration.
You need to create and populate the inventory database tables using Postgresql before working on this assignment. The class website contains files with CREATE statements for tables and sequences and INSERT statements. You should create the inventory fact tables and sequences then execute the INSERT statements to populate the tables. Note that the Currency_Dim table is an additional table not part of the Inventory Data Warehouse design.
Your performance will be assessed by submission of documents and kettle files (.ktr).You need to execute your transformations against a clean version of the Inventory Data Warehouse tables. I will check the documentation that you submit to the gradebook to confirm that you created the transformations and executed them.
Upload zip files each containing two files: the snapshot documentation and the .ktr file of your transformation designs. You should have one zip file per transformation. Save .ktr files using the File Save command. You should also take screen snapshots of the complete transform design pane and the execution of the transformation showing the step metrics including the number of rows inserted into the Inventory_Fact table. Make sure that your snapshots of the execution show the metrics for each step of your transformations. You may need more than one snapshot to show results of each step. Put these snapshots (two for each transformation) in a separate Word document.
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