The Hallmark Assignment is a culmination of the Community Needs Assessment works

The Hallmark Assignment is a culmination of the Community Needs Assessment worksheets you have completed. Worksheets #1 (Community Assessment), #2 (Prevention Education Proposal) and #3 (Disaster Preparedness Assessment) are templates to help guide your final project.
Develop a PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of 20 slides (not including the title slide or reference slides).
Place key points on the slides (maximum 8 words, 5 lines). May include graphs and images.
Include detailed presenter (speaker) notes for each slide.Full sentences and in-text citations using APA 7th edition are required.
Audio recording is required and should be clean without interruptions or background noise.
Intentional Learning, Reflection, and Clinical Judgment
45 to >40.0 pts
Appraises/Analyzes a relevant topic and a thesis that provides direction for the content that is engaging and thought provoking. The thesis clearly and concisely states the position, premise, or hypothesis and is consistently the focal point throughout the presentation/paper. Demonstrates a sophisticated examination and deduction and careful, critical analysis of the research topic and thesis (argument). Presents differing perspectives, considers integration of opposing positions, and draws original and thoughtful conclusions with future implications.
40 to >36.0 pts
Appraises/Analyzes a relevant topic and a thesis that provides adequate direction for the content with some degree of interest for the reader. The majority (>50%) of the thesis states the position, premise, or hypothesis, and is the focal point of the presentation/paper. Demonstrates examination and some deduction and critical analysis of the research topic and thesis (argument). Adequately presents differing perspectives integration of opposing positions but broader connections and/or implications are explored (>50%).
36 to >32.0 pts
Appraises/Examines a research topic but may be too broad in scope and/or the thesis is somewhat unclear and needs to be developed further. Focal point is not consistently maintained throughout the presentation/paper. Demonstrates a general examination (<50%) with limited critical analysis of the research topic and thesis (argument). Articulates different perspectives, or integration of opposing positions. 32 to >0 pts
Unsatisfactory – Beginning
Fails to identify a relevant research topic or is not clearly defined and/or the presentation/paper lacks focus throughout. Demonstrates a lack of examination and inadequate analysis of the research topic and thesis (<20%). Analysis is superficial based on opinions and preferences rather than critical analysis. Decision Making and Evidence Based Practice 40 to >36.0 pts
Provides distinguishing, and accurate evidence base analyzing and integrating the main concept beyond the required (2) research sources with at least 1 source from a periodical database. Research sources are relevant, accurate, current (less than 5 years old) reliable, reflecting and validating the strength of the content.
36 to >32.0 pts
Provides essential and correlating accurate evidence base to support the main concept with the required (2) research sources and comparing at 1 source from a periodical database displaying relevant, accurate, current (less than 5 years old), and reliable.
32 to >28.0 pts
Provides evidence to support the main concept with less than 2 adequate and permissible research sources. Sources may not be relevant, accurate, reliable, less than 5 years old and scholarly reference
28 to >0 pts
Unsatisfactory – Beginning
Lacks sufficient research sources to support the main concept and/or, if included, are generally not relevant, accurate, less than five years old, or reliable. Contains numerous factual mistakes, repeating, omissions, or oversimplifications.
Organization and Presentation
35 to >32.0 pts
Ideas are organized logically, flows smoothly, and with an effective progression of thought from paragraph to paragraph connecting to the central position. Includes all required components (introduction, body, conclusion, citations, references, etc.). For a slide presentation, the design, font size, style, speaker notes/narration and spacing are optimal for audience viewing. Five or more of the following rules must be included. Slide presentation rules: 5×8 bullet points, Font ≥ 20 Notes associated with each slide. Narration (if required) is associated with each slide. Includes the required number of slides, excluding Title and Reference slides in the count. The presentation uses appropriate images or animation. (In-text citations are included). The slide presentation is appealing.
32 to >28.0 pts
deas are organized with progression of thought from paragraph to paragraph connecting to the central position. The progression may flow awkwardly and be difficult to follow at times but is generally understandable. Includes all required components (introduction, body, conclusion, citations, references, etc.). For a slide presentation, the design, font size, style, speaker notes/narration and spacing are optimal for audience viewing. Four of the following rules are included. Slide presentation rules: 5×8 bullet points, Font ≥ 20 Notes associated with each slide. Narration (if required) is associated with each slide. Includes the required number of slides, excluding Title and Reference slides in the count. The presentation uses appropriate images or animation. (In-text citations are included). The slide presentation is appealing.
28 to >23.0 pts
Ideas may not flow well and/or connect to the central position. The lack of logical progression diminishes understanding. Or may be missing a required component and/or components (introduction, body, conclusion, citations, references, etc.) are less than complete. For a slide presentation, multiple aspects (the design, font size, style, speaker notes/narration and spacing) require further development for optimal audience viewing. Three of the following rules are included. Slide presentation rules: 5×8 bullet points, Font ≥ 20 Notes associated with each slide. Narration (if required) is associated with each slide. Includes the required number of slides, excluding Title and Reference slides in the count. The presentation uses appropriate images or animation. (In-text citations are included). The slide presentation is appealing.
23 to >0 pts
Unsatisfactory – Beginning
Content lacks logical organization and impedes readers’ comprehension of ideas. For a paper, central position is not evident, or the paper is missing multiple required components (introduction, body, conclusion, citations, references, etc.). For a slide presentation, the design lacks appropriate font size, style, speaker notes/narration and spacing) for optimal viewing by an audience. . Less than three of the following rules are included. The following rules are generally not followed. Slide presentation rules: 5×8 bullet points, Font ≥ 20 Notes associated with each slide. Narration (if required) is associated with each slide. Includes the required number of slides, excluding Title and Reference slides in the count. The presentation uses appropriate images or animation. (In-text citations are included). The slide presentation is appealing.
Writing and APA Formatting
30 to >28.0 pts
Style and voice are appropriate to the given audience and purpose, but also show originality and creativity. Word choice is specific, purposeful, dynamic, and varied. Free of mechanical and typographical errors. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. APA 7th Edition guidelines for formatting are consistently followed. Includes in-text citations and references.
28 to >24.0 pts
Style and voice are appropriate to the given audience and purpose. Word choice is specific and purposeful, and varied throughout. Minimal (<5) mechanical or typographical errors are present. Correct sentence structure and audience- appropriate language are used. APA 7th Edition guidelines for formatting are present. Includes in-text citations and references. 24 to >20.0 pts
Style and voice are appropriate to given audience and purpose. Repetitive mechanical or typographical errors (>5 but <10). Inconsistencies in language, sentence structure and/or word choice. Use of APA 7th Edition guidelines are generally present, however are incorrectly formatted. 20 to >0 pts
Unsatisfactory – Beginning
Style and voice are appropriate to given audience and purpose. Repetitive mechanical or typographical errors (>10). Inconsistencies in language, sentence structure and/or word choice. Lacks elements required in writing a formal APA 7th Edition presentation/paper: title page, references, in-text citations, headers.

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