See the Week 11 & 12 Overview for details. Before doing this quiz (writing a sho

See the Week 11 & 12 Overview for details.
Before doing this quiz (writing a short paper), make sure that you have carefully read this week’s reading assignments and have watched all of this week’s Video Lecture. It will consist in writing a short paper of three paragraphs, and will relate to the topic of free will, and in particular will involve the doctrines of determinism and compatibilism. You will know further details of the assignment when you open the quiz.
Dillinger and Free Will.
You will have 60 minutes to write a short paper. The paper should consist of approximately three paragraphs.
Responses to this quiz must be typed and submitted electronically in MS Word (.docx or .pdf) format. The file must be named in the following format: Lastname_CoreQuiz2. IMPORTANT: This paper must be your own work, not copied from any online sources or from Rachels. All thoughts must b
your own words. Do not quote passages from Rachels.

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